Until last night, the weirdest dream I had ever had was in high school. I was flying on an airplane, but the airplane was shaped like a cat, and the flight attendants were mice. Pretty weird stuff, and one of those dreams where you wake up laughing. Last night was different however.
So how did the early followers of Christ respond to his words following his resurrection and ascension to heaven? One thing is for certain, any reading of the NT will show that the early Church took very seriously the idea that they were Christ's body on earth. Imbued with his Spirit, they sought to live out the words he taught and the way he lived, full of love, peace, and compassion. In today's Church, I find very few Christians who truly understand how literal the writers of the NT were when they referred to the Church as the body of Christ. It seems to me (and I've been in the Church my entire life) that the Church sees this idea as nothing more than a fuzzy notion. However, the implications of the Church being Jesus' body on earth are huge. If we are his body (representatives, hands and feet, etc.), then it is imperative that we seek to live out his teachings and his way of life in order to finish his work of rescuing the world. This isn't just a nice, clean, and fuzzy idea, but a concrete reality that we must take as seriously as the first Christ followers. So what did they have to say along the lines of pacifism?
In my mind, Jesus' words singlehandedly prove that his followers should be pacifists. Regardless of any argument for war made by using the OT, it seems to me that the words of the person by who's name we are called should take precedence. If we are going to be called Christ-ians, then his words should be of utmost importance to us. So let's look at just a few examples of what Jesus has to say.
If anyone ever wonders what makes this country great, watch this video. It may be one of the funniest, and most bizarre, videos I have ever seen.
Inevitably when someone is defending a pro-war stance biblically, they immediately go to the Old Testament stories of Israel attacking everyone in sight. They do this for two reasons: 1)It's easy, because the OT is full of wars and, 2)You can't even begin to make a convincing argument for war and violence based on the NT, so they avoid it.
1968 called and it wants its society back.
Per Michael's request, I'm going to write a series of posts on why I'm a pacifist. I have no idea how many posts this series will entail. I understand how polarizing this issue is, but I feel the need to say what I think, and given the fact that the internet is the last great bastion of free speech, I will exercise my right. If you're offended by what I say, I refuse to apologize. No one in church apologizes to me when they spew out their pro-war rhetoric, so I will not apologize for my opposing stance. If you don't like what I have to say, then just stop reading. So without further ado, here's a completely non-academic view of why Jesus is calling his people out of a violent mindset.
So how can you love your enemy and blow them up at the same time? Hmmmm. It seems that you would have to do some pretty fancy biblical exegesis to get around that one...or you could just ignore it like a vast majority of American Christians.
Congratulations Obama on winning the nomination.
I promised some pictures of my boys, so here you are. First, Ezra:

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Trinity Sunday Bible Study1 year ago
Judi poker online situs pecintaQQ7 years ago
ブレスレットの通販はサイズに注意7 years ago
a new beginning.11 years ago
an unbiased love.12 years ago
A Prayer15 years ago