If you have 30 minutes (or more, depending on your skill), play this game. This is about as addicting as a game gets. It's called Totem Destroyer. Prepare to have you time gloriously wasted.
So what makes someone a follower of Jesus? Is it head-knowledge? Is it a commitment in your heart? What does that even mean? I've really been mulling all of this over recently after some conversations with a pastor friend who is working with a student who is a professed atheist. He recently attended a church camp of sorts in Colorado and he "found God" (I'm not 100% sure what that means other than to say that he now believes that there is a benevolent God out there somewhere). He still isn't sure about Jesus. He believes that there was a man named Jesus long ago, but he still isn't sure about the claims Christians make about him. So is it possible for him to follow Jesus even is he doesn't necessarily believe all of the claims of Jesus?
Last night at the house church I belong to, we were discussing the book of Acts. In chapter 2, we come across Peter, on of Jesus' closest followers giving a gigantic sermon to thousands of people. In his sermon, he details who Jesus is, what he did, what he's doing, and the roots of his existence in the Hebrew Scriptures. It's an extremely theological sermon, meaning that it encompasses God's revelation through Jesus in a fairly complete way. The interesting thing is that, just days before, Peter and the rest of Jesus followers had pretty much abandoned him as a fraud.
There's been a lot of hype about the recent "political forum" at Saddleback Church in California. If you don't know what happened, Pastor Rick Warren sat down individually with both of the Presidential candidates and asked them fundie questions about religion and politics. I have a few thoughts about this forum.
Let it be said from the get-go that I like sports. I've grown up playing and watching sports, it's part of who I am. I say all of that because this post might seem like I'm proposing a hatred for sports and other activities.
A Russian Billionaire just bought a house on the French Riviera for $752 million. People in Haiti are starving because they can't afford rice. Good purchase.
I heard the other day that the American Family Association (read: fundie Christians who hate everything) is calling for a boycott of McDonald's because they gave a donation to a gay and lesbian organization. Honestly, I just don't get it. Can the Church in America get any less significant than it seems to be right now? This is what we boil the message of Jesus down to; boycotting a fast-food restaurant.
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Trinity Sunday Bible Study1 year ago
Judi poker online situs pecintaQQ7 years ago
ブレスレットの通販はサイズに注意7 years ago
a new beginning.11 years ago
an unbiased love.12 years ago
A Prayer15 years ago