
It means "writings." I write things.

10:38 AM

Carrot face

Posted by Brad Polley |

My kid is fat. Ok, actually he's perfectly normal sized, but he'll eat anything. He has yet to meet anything (other than a small dose of Benedryl) that he doesn't like. We decided a few weeks ago to start him on vegetables. We (and by "we" I mean my wife) decided to start him out on the nastiest vegetable we could think of, that way he could get the worst right off the bat and everything else is a step up. We started him on peas. I can't even hardly stomach peas, especially when they're pureed into a watery paste. Ezra, however, shoveled them down like they were going out of style. He couldn't get enough.

When he first started eating, he wasn't very messy. Some of it would come out of his mouth, but we would just scrape it off and try again. Now he has decided that he likes to spit, stick his hands in his mouth, and then rub said hands all over his face, thus spreading peas, carrots, squash or _________ (insert name of pureed vegetable in here) into his eyes, forehead, hair, etc.

Here's the aftermath of one such encounter:

Adorable block-head, carrot face, does it get any cuter than that? Does anyone know of a good restraining device to prevent this type of thing from happening (Note: To anyone reading this who is my parent, grandparent, parent-in-law, child proctective services worker, etc., I'm only kidding...or am I.)? I can't wait for his 1st birthday (six months from tomorrow for all none of you who are counting) so that I can watch him shower our dining room with copious amounts of cake, icing, ice cream, and vomit containing all of the above items.


matt said...

Scrubs quote:

Cox to his son: Gee, big Jack, I don't mean to embarrass you but you've got a little something on your face.

(pan to kid covered head to toe in spaghetti and sauce; high chair smothered in it; clothes caked in it.)

Cox: It's hardly noticible.

Andrea said...

Thanks for giving Peas a chance Ezra!
