I'm going to be gone for a few days, so I thought I would give an update, as well as some really adorable pictures of the boy.
He's now crawling, which means that he is magnetically drawn to everything he shouldn't be playing with. Our evenings consist of him crawling toward said items, my wife or I getting up to remove him from said areas, and then placing him in another area that he doesn't like so that he can give a half-hearted whine at the injustice.
He's also pulling up on everything now. This means that we now have to keep everything out of his reach, which incidentally, is ridiculously long for an eight-month old.
He's pretty smart. He knows to blink when he gets his picture taken because of the flash. This is cute, however, we have to trick him to get him to look at the camera with his eyes open. Here are some pictures from one such encounter last night. He was too smart for us on this one:
man that kids got a noggin on him.
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