Clever title to the post huh? I couldn't think of anything else. Anyway, it seems like it's been awhile since I rapped at you (only 6 days or so, but it seems like longer), so I thought I would give the skinny (I have so much street cred, look at the clever use of slang) on what's going on in my life.
Almost a week from the minute that I typed this, I will be landing in Haiti. I'm very excited about the trip, though it will be hard to be away from my wife and child for that long, especially with no chance of talking to them until I arrive back in the states. The poorest country in the Western Hemisphere doesn't have a fully functioning phone system? I can't even believe it. Man, Jesus, when you called me to go and do your work, couldn't you have called me to a more convenient place? Geez. Just kidding.
I'm over the flying thing. Hard to believe after reading my last post, but I've pretty much decided that I have no control over the whole deal anyway, so whatever. I'm just going to have a Vet shoot me up with about 100 CCs of Horse Tranquilizer before the trip, that should be adequate.
I'll probably post again before I leave this next Sunday. After that, it will be awhile.
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
6 months ago
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