
It means "writings." I write things.

10:03 AM

Dear Cousin Chelsea...I'm here

Posted by Brad Polley |

Well, it finally happened. The boy was finally born...all 8 pounds, 11 ounces of him. To say that he's the cutest baby ever born is, of course, an understatement. Don't believe me, check it out for yourself:

See? I told you so. That's a great picture, but not as good as this one:

I think he likes his car seat. He's just masking his real emotions.

Anyway, he's the cutest. I'll be blogging fairly frequently in the next few days. This whole experience has caused me to think a lot about what God thinks of us. I'll share my thoughts.


Andrea said...

He could not be cuter and I cannot wait to hold him!!! You have to let us know asap as to when you plan on making it up to Francesville so we can meet up with you and the newest Polley addition!

You do know that Chelsea wasn't the only one who was waiting for him; right?!?! Glad you enjoyed the t-shirt!

Chelsea said...

He is absolutely beautiful, and that is the truth! (I am not afraid to admit that not all babies are cute, but your's really, really is!)

I can't wait to meet Ezra and officially welcome him into the crazy Haring clan! I hope he's prepared :)

Congrats guys!!!!!!

matt said...

my son was far more adorable than yours. mom even told me so.

oops. i wasn't supposed to tell you that.

Brad Polley said...

Your son was fat.
