I'm so sick of hearing about people like the lady in this article, I could just scream. Read this:
For starters, I could understand making an argument that the book was trying to "indoctrinate children in the ways of Wicca" if, in fact, J.K. Rowling was a Wiccan, but she's not. Why would someone try to indoctrinate millions of children into something that they don't practice themselves? The answer: they wouldn't. So bye-bye to that argument.
Next on the list, show me a teenager that claims to be a witch or wizard because they read Harry Potter. I have yet to find one. If your child becomes a witch because of reading a piece of children's fiction, then you suck as a parent and your child had a number of issues to begin with.
Most of the people who claim that Harry Potter books are evil have never read them, and if they did read them, they read them with a pre-judgement of what the books were going to contain. Anyone who has read these books for sheer entertainment (like myself) will see that the books are, essentially, the story of good seeking to triumph over evil. That sounds familiar...where have I read something like before? HHmmmmmm...oh yeah, I read it in the Bible.
Lastly, the people who shield their kids from Harry Potter are generally hypocrites because they will let their kids read Lord of the Rings (written by a Christian) and the Chronicles of Narnia (also written by a Christian). Those books also have witches, wizards, and incredibly dark and evil people in them as well. What makes those books any different than Harry Potter? If you're going to throw out Harry Potter, then you have to throw out Frodo and Aslan as well.
The worst part of all of this is that people who don't follow Jesus see this and think that this is how all Christians are. I can't wait to read these stories to my son, if that makes me evil, then...well, I guess I'm evil.
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6 months ago
she got her fifteen minutes and she'll never be heard from again. the picture shows her holding up a brochure for some camp that supposedly teaches witchcraft. I can see getting my panties in a twist about that i suppose, but i'm not sure what harry potter had to do with that and what banning him from the library really accomplishes if the camp was the real target.
didn't we already fight this like 6 or 7 years ago? have we run out of stuff to fight and are rehashing old battles for nostalgia sake?
Pretty soon, Christians will start bringing back the backward-masking music argument again. There's always something to stand up against...apparently there's nothing to stand FOR, but there's plenty to stand up against.
my school is still fighting the da vinci code. i hear something about it probably every week. that and queers. always gotta fight the queers.
I've read the Harry Potter books and I hate them. Not for the supposed underlying messages of evil, but because they are terrible books. Good for JK for making millions on poor writing.
I have no problem with someone not liking the books because they didn;t find them entertaining or good writing. At least you're not denouncing them as Satanic. As an aside, I find the books entertaining, but I agree that they aren't exactly classics from a writing standpoint.
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