I was thinking about something yesterday. That's an earth-shattering fact for anyone that knows me, but that isn't really relevant to this post. Being a youth minister, I think quite a bit about the nature of youth ministry, where it sucks, where it's going well, that sort of thing. I'm constantly trying to improve how I do youth ministry, I don't mean improve it by using flashy stuff, because I don't do that. No, I mean really improve it at its very core.
Anyway, I had a thought yesterday about how adults really don't want students to be a part of the Church. That's actually why I have a job at all. Parents don't want to do their job (biblically speaking) of raising their kids in the ways of God, so they ship them to me for an hour or two a week and then pat themselves on the back for sacrificing their time to bring their kids to church. It's nice and convenient, and they don't miss one down of the Colts game in the process. So what churches do is they hire a youth minister to develop programs that are both edgy (please pick up my sarcasm because I'm swimming in it right now) and x-treme (notice the "x" instead of "ex." I'm the coolest and most happening youth minister ever), so that parents can shirk their responsibility. This way, the adults don't have to mess with their kids and they can have big people church in peace without being bothered by the ones they decided to spawn.
This, however, is only part of the reason that I say that churches don't want students to be a part of the Church. I started thinking about all of this when a lady at my church told me that she had "a perfect project for the kids to be a part of." This "perfect project" was actually nothing more than a menial task that she just "didn't have the time to do." That triggered something in me. I started thinking that students in a church are nothing more than a scapegoat for people. Do you have something that will take up too much of your precious spare time? Call the youth minister and tell him that you have a good "service opportunity" for the youth group. So people are more than happy to have the students do menial tasks and call it "service," but ask if they can preach sometime or be a part of the leadership of the church and you will get something to the effect, "Oh, no they aren't old enough or mature enough for that." Don't get me wrong, my church does better than most I've seen at involving the youth, but I still get perturbed when they're constantly asked to do things for "service," when really someone was just too lazy to accomplish the task.
Don't think that the students don't understand what's going on, because I've had conversations with them before where I've asked them if they feel like they're a part of the church. They understand when people are just throwing them a bone. They understand that people only want them to be a part of the Church when they need something done. Kids aren't stupid. This kind of stuff has to stop. I think that this is a contributing factor as to why so many kids leave the faith when they go to college. They have no youth group anymore, and they were never connected to the Church, so why be a part of it now.
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
6 months ago
Dude, I have this same pet peeve. If books need to be transfered from the old library to the new library, the youth are asked to do it. If volunteers are needed for childrens church or VBS, the youth are asked to do it. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for promoting an attitude of service in the youth group, but I'm not for promoting an attitude of "the youth are good to make up the slack adults leave behind."
Yeah, I guess I should have clarified a little. It's not necessarily the projects that bother me, it's the adult attitude behind having the youth do the projects that ticks me off.
someone put on their grumpy pants for these last two posts. is it my turn to talk you off the ledge or what?
i'm with you on this and we've talked about it at length before so i'll save the space and not do it again. in a church of 400+ do you know how many requests i get for the students to do stuff? i basically just tell people for the most part to find some kids on their own. sometimes i'll help out. for instance, on wednesday nights we have meals downstairs and they needed people to set up tables each week. they called me and i called a sponsor to schedule 4 guys to come in and do it. that's worked out great. sometimes it's okay to do the menial stuff (Jesus washed feet...doesn't get more menial than that) for the sake of cultivating an attitude of humility and service.
but on the other hand, you're right on with your article that the attitude of most churches (and some are better than others) is pretty crappy when it comes to the youth.
one solution and then i'll shut up could be to start being proactive. involve the church in major youth projects. we're doing the knitting/hat and glove drive thing. we wanted to involve as many as possible. might go a long way in changing some attitudes if the youth involve others in what they are doing.
sorry this is so long.
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