
It means "writings." I write things.

9:09 AM

Hate, Hate, Hate

Posted by Brad Polley |

I just watched a news report video about a lawmaker in Oklahoma going on a rant about gay people.  In her rant (during which she didn't know she was being taped), she said that gays were more dangerous to this country than terrorists.  Let that one sink in for a minute.  I'm having a hard time understanding this line of thought.  I don't know, I guess I was just unaware that the 9/11 hijackers were, in fact, a gang of Arab homosexuals, and not terrorists.  

Of course, this woman is a Christian, and she said that her remarks were made because the gay lifestyle is immoral.  It's kind of funny that she mentions that, because I was under the assumption that hating people (she would say that she doesn't hate them, but you can't say something like she said, and actually love the people you're talking about) was considered by Jesus to be a huge no-no.  In fact, the whole foundation of his teaching was based on loving people, regardless of who they are and what they do.  So if we're going to talk about something immoral, let's go ahead and talk about our hate being immoral as well.  

She also said in her rant that gays were infiltrating schools and indoctrinating our children in the gay lifestyle.  "Even children as young as two."  Mind you she had no evidence of this.  I hear this kind of crap from Christians all the time.  I hear this idea that homosexuals are on some crusade in our schools and through the media to turn kids gay.  You will absolutely never convince me that this is true.  I read blogs written by gay people, I've met numerous gay people in my life; not once have they tried to indoctrinate me, and never once have I read an article where they have spoken of trying to turn kids gay.  The very notion of it is ridiculous.  All gay people want is to be treated like human beings, I see no problem with that.   

In the news report, she says this: "Isn't it my right under freedom of speech to say these things."  I would have to say yes, it is in fact protected under freedom of speech.  The reality is that freedom of speech protects speech that we hate, not just speech that we like.  However, just because you have a right to say it, doesn't mean that you should.  She may have the right to say it under U.S. law, but not under the Bible that she claims to follow.  It, in no way, protects that sort of speech, nor condones it.  It's time for "Christians" to knock this crap off.  It doesn't represent Jesus in the way he should be represented.  It's turning people away from a lifestyle that leads to real life; a life of peace, and a life of wholeness.  If you're reading this and you don't consider yourself a Christian, please don't let a few (outspoken as they may be, they are still few) people turn you off of Jesus.  He isn't like they say he is...I can promise you that. 


mike-daddy said...

Great points
