
It means "writings." I write things.

8:28 AM

Adventures in being jaded

Posted by Brad Polley |

I know that we see a lot of change in our lifetime.  I know that we've been inundated with information and new technology to the point where we're numb to it, but seriously, we landed a rover on FREAKING MARS!  The thing I find incredible is that pretty much no one is talking about it.  There's a story here and there about it, but it isn't even front page news.  

It seems to me that a culture who can't see the wonder of landing something on the surface of Mars, and having it send pictures back to earth, is doomed.  Really, it's okay to be amazed by stuff, you have my permission.  

Jesus gave a warning about this when he said, "Unless you become like little children, you will never see the Kingdom of God."  This passage is loaded with meaning.  One of the aspects of children is that they have an incredible sense of wonder.  All I have to do is watch my boys for a minute and I see it.  Ezra will hold up a seemingly useless object with a "dude, look at THIS" look on his face.  That's wonder.  These words of Jesus have nothing to do with going to heaven of hell.  What he's saying is that until we see like little children, we'll never see where he's moving and working.  In a modern day context it may sound like this, "If you can't see the wonder of landing something on the surface of Mars, you'll never see where God is working in this world."  

I'm reminded of a favorite worship song of mine which has these words:
O God, give us new eyes to see
Give us new skin to feel
Give us new lungs to breathe the wonder underneath

The New Testament speaks extensively of Christians being a "new creation."  This means completely new; new eyes, new skin, new lungs to breathe, everything renewed in Christ. Maybe Jesus had this in mind when he told a man that he needed to be "born again." 


weehours said...

I think if I were to quote Jesus on that I would have to add emphasis on the word "little." It is sad to say that it doesn't take long for this world to affect a person. While they are little everything is a wonder. Seeing grass blow in a breeze amazes them. But it isn't much older when that begins to fade.

Not only does technology not amaze elementary school children anymore but they even find its limitations mind boggling. I suppose that can work to the world's benefit if progress is a goal because it is likely those children who will push the limitations of technology.

I see that wonder wear off of people spiritually at a young age too if they are not taught to capture that wonder and turn it into something real in their hearts (or sometimes even if they are). But you are right, when one is born again...well, they do get that "dude, look at THIS" attitude again. Nothing is more refreshing sometimes than to hang out with a newly born again person walking around saying, "wow, I never saw it this way before."

I often have found when I feel I am stagnating in my walk with Christ that if I pray for God to send me a seeker I am suddenly reawakened in Him, in His Word, in my prayer life, in the wonder of it all. A new Christian also keeps me hopping and alive in Him.
