
It means "writings." I write things.

9:17 AM

I'm not sure what to think about this

Posted by Brad Polley |

Read this article.

I'm really not sure what to think about this.  I always get nervy when I see the words "Christians" and "protesters" in the same sentence.  On one hand I admire their zeal, and porn addiction is destroying people's lives in record numbers.    

On the other hand, I do think porn is covered under the First Amendment.  The lawyer was right in the article when he said that the First Amendment covers speech that we disagree with.  I think there's a bigger issue here though.  I'm not sure if their approach is the one Jesus would take.  I never see Jesus protesting against people in the Bible.  The people that he railed against the most were the religious leaders.  He never took an approach like this with people outside of religion.  I just wonder if the approach these people are taking comes across as love or more Christian hate.  My hope is that they are doing this with genuine love and compassion for the people who are enslaved by porn addiction.  I can't and won't make that judgment.  However, their intent may not be the issue, the perception of their intent might be.  

So what do you think?  Is there a better way than this?    

