
It means "writings." I write things.

9:15 AM

Adventures in missing the real issue

Posted by Brad Polley |

So torture is in the news again.  Pundits and news anchors are continuously waxing idiotic on the subject and something is puzzling me.  The focus seems to be, not on whether torture is right or wrong, but whether the techniques America (or Amurca as our past leader would say) used on detainees were effective.  It doesn't bother me at all that news stations are having this debate, it bothers me that Christians are having this debate.  I'm sorry, but if you're a Christian, there is no debate about this.

From a Christian perspective (not an American perspective, there's a huge difference), we cannot even talk about torture techniques in terms of effectiveness.  Christians are to be people that respect every life and every person as an image bearer of God, even our enemies.  I seem to remember Jesus saying something along the lines of "love your enemies."  This isn't negotiable. you either love someone or you don't.  I love my children, even when they disobey me.  I'm not about to waterboard them for doing wrong or lock them in a cramped cell with a bug they think may hurt them.  I think it's interesting that if a parent in this country did this with their kids, they would be arrested, and the entire country would look on in disbelief and outrage.  When our country does it, we don't ask the question of whether it is right or wrong, we ask if it was effective.  As Christians, we're not supposed to differentiate between people we love who are close to us, and our enemies.  This is far from an easy thing, but it is something that Christ taught, and, more importantly, lived.  

I don't care about the effectiveness of these methods from an American perspective.  For Christians, the real issue is that people, even our enemies, bear the image of God.  When we talk about these guys as nothing more than a source of information, we strip them of their humanity, which, biblically speaking, is a dangerous thing to do.  It's time for Christians to stop arguing these issues from an American standpoint, and to start arguing them from a Christian one.


matt said...

they need to prosecute every single bush official involved in this mess, including our illustrious douche of a former president.
