
It means "writings." I write things.

9:18 AM

Miscellaneous information on the boy

Posted by Brad Polley |

I thought I would give an update on Ezra, because I have a few pictures and whatnot to show off.

He had a good thanksgiving weekend with his grandparents and all of my wife's 3000 cousins and aunts, and uncles, and former roommates, and anyone else that decided to show up and eat. On Friday we took him to a dairy. Doesn't sound all that exciting, but I'm a nerd and that kind of stuff fascinates me. The dairy was huge, beyond huge actually. If you ever drink Dean's or Kroger brand milk, you are drinking milk from this dairy. Anyway, it was cool and I got to carry Ezra in his Mini-me carrier. Here's a picture:

That picture actually reminds me of something I've seen before. Oh wait, here it is:
In other news, I laugh hysterically every time Ezra yawns. He gets these creases in between his eyes and his eyebrows go diagonal. I guess the best way to describe how he looks is with picture associations, so here goes. He looks like a mix of this:
and this:

Finally, he had his first go around with Rice cereal yesterday. To say that is was funny would be a gross understatement. This picture should pretty much sum up the experience.


Or at least he liked the 1/3 of a teaspoon that actually stayed in his mouth. This may be my favorite picture of him. Anyway, that about brings you up to date on the life of the boy. More updates in the coming days, weeks, months, years.


freschnurse said...

I love these pictures. But I have to tell you (this is a compliment) You look like your father- yes I am talking to you, Brad.

Brad Polley said...

Yes, frumpy and hairy, two appealing qualities. If only I could develop a club foot or something, that would give me a perfect trifecta of hideousness.
