I got in my car this morning to go to work, turned the key and blaring out of the radio is the song "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da" by The Police. Now bear in mind that I'm generally okay with The Police. I'm not ever going to own their entire catalogue or anything, but "Message In a Bottle" and "Every Breath You Take" (by the way, this is the best song about a voyeur ever written) are stellar songs. But seriously, has there ever been a less relevant, more annoying song written than "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da"? After enduring that chorus a couple of times, you have to put up with overly philosophical lyrics like, "Their logic ties you up and rapes you." It's a little too late to be philosophical when you've aurally forced yourself upon us with a completely idiotic title and chorus. My assumption is that this song was thought out and composed after a twelve pack of Guinness and a number of pharmaceuticals were consumed.
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6 months ago
there is that freaking song by the Beatles obladee, oblada or however you spell it. that song sucks and annoys me further deepening my hatred for said band.
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