
It means "writings." I write things.

9:46 AM

2 year olds are hilarious

Posted by Brad Polley |

When they aren't screaming, kicking, biting, hitting, and saying, "No Daddy, you leave now!" that is.  As kids grow up, it's incredibly fun to listen as they say different words.  It's also incredibly sad when they start pronouncing those words correctly.  

Our latest from our two year old is this gem: Chicken Nugwickets.  For those of you not fluent in toddler speak, that would be Chicken McNuggets from McDonald's.  Priceless.  


mike-daddy said...

That's my boy. He loves McDonalds.

thebaysingerboy said...

it's all fun and games until he starts giving nude lap dances at small group... oh wait... that happened...
