
It means "writings." I write things.

1:53 PM

Only in America

Posted by Brad Polley |

No seriously, I can't think of another country where someone would do this.  Is it possible that a video about a horse could make all of the founding fathers simultaneously turn over in their graves?  Yes, yes it is.  

Oh, and here's a picture of my face as I watched it.

I can't even begin to relate to you the number of questions that that video begs in my mind.


mike-daddy said...

That may be on of the funniest things I have seen in awhile.

weehours said...

We were hosting a man from Liberia for an evening meal. I picked him up and was driving him to my house. He saw the miniature horses in the field and asked what we (people in America...I personally do not have any) do with miniature horses. I told him they are usually people's hobby, that some are used to kiddie rides but mostly they are "for fun." He was noticeably upset by that. "You mean you feed them but they do no work for you?" I had to ponder that for a while. I understood. He is thinking of money spent with no return. Money wasted to put it bluntly. Please do not show him this video!
