I've regaled you numerous times with my opinions of advertising. This post will not continue the trend of bashing companies for stupid marketing. This post will be examples of advertising, were I working for an ad agency. I'm the type of person who just wants more honesty in advertising.
Charmin - "It's like wiping your butt with a whisper."
McDonald's Coffee - "It's like Starbuck's, but you know...terrible."
Starbuck's - "We're actually just curious to see how much you'll actually pay for a cup of coffee."
Taco Bell - Yeah, it's crap, but it's cheap and you'll eat it anyway."
Lay's potato chips - "Filling half the bag with air and increasing the price since 2002."
Exxon Mobil - "Soul...what's a soul? Never heard of it."
Any political campaign - "I promise to continue to promise a bunch of stuff that I will never deliver on."
American Airlines - "You get a $10 discount if you decide to just sit on the floor."
General Motors - "We're not sure why we're still in business either."
The American Church - "All are welcome unless you're gay or a democrat."
What are some of your ideas?
Kethuvim blog - "Making you feel good about yourself since 2005."
Nice Pak - We make your babies bung-hole cleaner.
How about: Nice Pak - "Hey, it's better than working in ministry."
you would be shocked at just how many people pay $2.27 - $5.45 for a drink 2-3 times a day...
The fact that they have a Starbuck's in Martinsville is a testament to that fact.
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