
It means "writings." I write things.

11:45 AM

The new racism

Posted by Brad Polley |

When did we time-warp back to the 1950s?  I don't understand.  When did it become acceptable again to deride people based on their nationality?  Has it always been this way and I just haven't noticed, or is this a recent thing.  I saw a video this morning of people at a McCain rally in Pennsylvania and they were yelling at a group of protestors.  The person filming all of this was asking people why they were voting for McCain.  They were saying things like, "Obama is a terrorist."  When asked why, the people said, "Because he's an Arab."  Later, they all start singing "God Bless America."  I'm sure God was pleased.  The video honestly made me sick.  

In another video, a man is holding up a monkey with an Obama sticker on.  Does no one else see how racist that is?  I don't care how anyone votes (even you, dad, I just like giving you a hard time), and it's their business as to why they vote for someone.  The racism has to end though.  If Obama was white and his middle name was something other than Hussein, we wouldn't be having this conversation.  

No one would admit that they won't vote for Obama because he's black, but let's face it, there are a lot of people who aren't voting for him for this very reason.  What they do say is, "Oh, he's an Arab," "he's a Muslim," "he's a terrorist."  So they've exchanged one racism for another.  The media seems to just let all of this slide.  Since 9/11, Arab bashing has become, not only acceptable, but encouraged.  I hear it from Christians all the time.  Note to Christians: Nothing could be further from Jesus' message than racism.  Don't forget that the person you profess to follow was middle eastern and considered a terrorist by the Roman government.  You should probably watch what you say. 


thebaysingerboy said...

i love to vent on your blog so... here it goes...

I can't stand arrogant ignorance or ignorant arrogance... it drives me nuts... stinkin' rednecks... however I do love that bluegrass legend Ralph Stanley is an obama supporter... haha

i know this is off topic but what scares me now is McCain's arrogance... that old dude drives me bonkers... he's a completely arrogant smug little d-bag... he is the epitome of what the world hates about America... an entitled arrogant warmonger with 13 cars and 11 homes... ahhhhhhhh!!!

Brad Polley said...

Well said. Do you feel better?

Gangy said...

Barry Obama IS a terrorist - didn't you know that? You must go through life with your head buried in the sand. He's Osama bin Laden's nephew or cousin or something like that - I think I might have read that somewhere. Aren't American people just plain ignorant!?!

Brad Polley said...

You have to wonder how long a society can last with that much ignorance floating around. My guess is about another 30 years and them someone else will be running this country.

thebaysingerboy said...

i do feel better... and honestly do you think we will last another 30? the chinese practically own us as it is... and with this b.s. 700 billion dollar bailout (which people had to be bribed into signing) and the fact that the federal reserve (which is neither federal nor a reserve) keeps printing money with no value behind it we might as well be using monopoly money...
