Jesus enters the scene shortly before the greatest King (Augustus) kicks the bucket. As I mentioned in an earlier post, by the time Jesus begins his ministry, all of the progress of peace that Augustus achieved was ruined and proved to the world, once again, that the "imperial man" philosophy failed. No human could ever bring about lasting peace and joy. If any King proved this, it was Augustus.
This is why it doesn't ultimately matter who wins the election. No President can bring about an existence where there is no war, everyone is well-fed, people cease to die from curable diseases, etc. If you listen to a political stump speech, you get the idea that whenever Candidate _______ gets elected, all will be well, the world will be nothing but sunshine and farts, and the government will just throw money at everyone until they are happy. Even if a President creates any sort of progress, the chances are great that the next guy (in four or eight years) will screw it all up and the whole thing is for naught anyway.
Christ came so that the world may live in harmony with God. This harmony is available to all, is free from government meddling, and isn't dependent on outside circumstances. This life leads to peace, it leads to joy, it leads an existence where love abounds...ideally. If the Church will get off its collective duff and stop waiting for politicians to fix all of the world's problems, then the world would be a better place. It would be a place where the lion lays down with the lamb, a place where swords are beaten into plows, and where 16,000 kids a day don't die from starvation. McCain and Obama can't make any of this happen, but the Church, as the body of Christ, can and should.
Whatever happens on November 4th, keep in mind that world leaders have promised everlasting peace and prosperity for thousands of years, and none of them have achieved it.
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