"Out of the adundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." - Jesus
Isn't it amazing how words that were spoken by Jesus so long ago still apply today? It's obvious that Pat Robertson's heart is filled with hatred and war, because this is the type of language he uses. Jesus' statement is pretty straight-forward; if you speak hate, you're filled with hate, if you speak love, your heart is full of love. The buck doesn't stop with Pat Robertson though. It isn't really about Pat Robertson at all, it's about us. God will deal with Pat Robertson in whatever way sees fit. But, in turn, he'll deal with us in the same way.
It's easy for us to sit back and throw stones, but what are we doing to change the perception? Whether we realize it or not, whether we like it or not, guys like Pat Robertson are the mouth pieces for "Christianity." They are the loudest and most vocal, therefore, they are the ones who shape people's opinion of Christ and his Church. Obviously with statements like Robertson's, people's opinion of Jesus and Christianity is marred and not necessarily positive. So what are we doing differently? It's easy to sit back, piss and moan about this guy, and wish curses upon him, but are we throwing our voice out there (however small it may be) to change the way people see Jesus? Are we feeding the poor? Are we loving unconditionally, even our enemies? Are spreading peace wherever we go? If not, then we're in the same boat.
These are some things I've been thinking about...man, I hate it when the Spirit convicts me.
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6 months ago
Did the spirit convict you about using the word piss? Huh? Did he? You'd better say "yes" dang it!
I love messing with you. I can here you cursing me under your breath from here.
Good thoughts by the way. Noticed you lifted a little from "Bullhorn." Pat Robertson is pretty much bullhorn guy, eh?
We talk about guys like Robertson in my Comm. and Society class on a weekly basis. The only way to change people from thinking all Christians are as scary as Robertson and Fallwell is to drown them out. Create a better message and present it in a better way. (Even though I don't think it would be too difficult to out-produce a program like the 700 club, whenever I see Christian programming on tv I think I'm in a time-warp.) Our prof. challenges us to become "roaring lambs" in whatever comm. field we go into. I'm kind of excited about what I think the kids in my class are going to do, they have a lot of talent and could tell really cool stories.
good stuff both of you. i like the "roaring lambs" thing. yeah, most (read "all") christian media at this point is lame. just watch 3 1/2 seconds of "left behind" to prove it. i honestly believe that falwell and robertson's days are numbered. i think they will be drowned out soon enough. i was thinking today that these guys can't have as big of an audience as we think they do.
one can hope that they don't have much of an audience under the age of 75. unfortunately they probably do. I'm kind of hoping they'll get caught in some scandal (embezzlement and the like). the fallout would not be nearly as bad to bear if we knew the benefits would be to be rid of them for good.
that's probably not the most christ like way of thinking; consider it my flesh side talking.
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