I'm tired of hearing about the end times. I'm tired of people pointing to wars, riots, tornadoes, and record hurricanes and saying without any sort of reservation, "We are living in the end times." The fact is that we might be, but we may not be either. Everyone is so freaking busy plotting Jesus' next move, that they forget to try and take someone with them when he actually does come. Here's my opinion, who cares when he comes back, just be ready.
Jesus himself bascially says that the day and the hour is unknown, even to him. There's another story in the beginning of Acts that I think is fairly telling in all of this. In Acts 1, some of Jesus' followers ask him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" Jesus' response is, "As long as you really want me to and accurately predict it." Just kidding, his actual response is this:
"It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Let me give you the New Polley Version of these verses, "It's none of your freaking business, go do something about helping the world; go tell people about me."
Let's face it, the only reason preachers keep preaching that we're living in the end times, is that they figure they can scare a few more people into warming the pews in their church. I hate that crap. It drives me crazy. Jesus never scared anyone into believing that he was their Savior, why do we feel like we have to do it? If a church feels like they have to scare people into Jesus, then frankly, that church sucks. Plain and simple. They have nothing to offer people, so they try and freak them out enough, that they'll "come to Jesus." And the hits just keep on rolling...
How Renting Storage Space Can Simplify Your Move
6 months ago
'bout time you posted something new. geez, your faithful reader was getting a little bored...
we conventiently leave out the parts of the Bible that screw up our theology, particularly our endtimes theology. i've never heard an end-times fanatic point to what you pointed out, viz., that Jesus didn't know the freaking hour of his return.
one gets the impression that Jesus is poised to jump down to earth and then about the time he leans out over the abyss to come down someone starts predicting his return and he doesn't end up jumping. not true, of course, but it makes you think about how much we need to shut the heck up about the end-times and just start being disciples making disciples.
why bring bible into end times theology? actually, all of these predictions and crappy theology stem from an overly literal reading of revelation (and the rest of the new testament for that matter).
you mean we aren't supposed to read the bible literally, cover to cover? so the world wasn't created in six literal 24-hour days? you mean the beast with 6 heads (or is it 12 heads? 18?) is metaphorical?
is my sarcasm becoming an art form or what?
kinda makes you wonder if Jesus is sitting in heaven shaking his head and thinking, "you guys just don't get it." i wonder how God feels at how his word has been treated? i bet if we really understood the bible as it was intended to be, no one would remain unchanged. it's like donald miller says, it's not a formula book, it's a relational one.
it's not a formula book? yesss, it is.
GO (that's point one) MAKE DISCIPLES (point 2) of ALL NATIONS (except gay people and abortionists...point three) BAPTIZING (obviously the most important thing...point 4).
see...it's a formula Jesus wants us to remember.
oh...it's not? man there goes my theology...
Watching you guys go back and forth on this comments page is kind of fun... almost like watching a 10 year-old semi-creepy kid misspell the word glossopyrosis on tv and then start crying. That's not that fun, actually...
be careful sarah or we'll drag you in to our twisted world, from which there is no escape.
church work, God bless it, has made us a bit on the cynical/sarcastic side, in case you missed it.
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